​ALPACA 1.8.0

Alpaca 1.8.0

  • Add zBufferMap
  • Add Debug Jump mode filled by test
  • Add Spine clipping
  • Add Debug info if a point does not exist
  • Add text color per character
  • Game Config to Lua
  • Better save files format
  • LUA Update SetPositionToPoint for Player
  • Use mt19937 for reproducible CI
  • Fix :anim using getId and not name
  • Fix schnack download path
  • Fix debug mute
  • Fix skin was not in Lua state
  • Fix non_walkable_area is noch clickable
  • Fix ugly nav bug if player already at a point
  • Lua Docs: Support for optional params


alpaca-windows.zip 205 MB
Version 24 15 days ago


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